- Officer: Are they gifts for friends? 边检官:是给朋友的礼物吗?
- Are they gifts for friends? 是送给朋友的礼物吗?
- I have bought some gifts for my friends. Are they dutiable? 我给朋友买了一些礼物,它们需要交税吗?
- Yes.I've brought some personal things and a few small gifts for friends. 当然,我只带了些个人用品及给朋友带的小礼物。
- Grace Florist's flowers bouquets& baskets are elegant and beautiful, which are fashion gifts for friends and relatives. 风林花店的花束、篮优雅漂亮,是馈赠亲朋好友的时尚礼物。
- Cakes can be gift wrapped with a card and hand-written message, and a high proportion of the orders they receive are for gifts for friends and family far away. 可以将蛋糕装在附有卡片和手写祝福语的礼盒中,多数人订购这种蛋糕是为了送给朋友和远方的家人。
- No. These are gifts for my friends. 没有了,这些是给我朋友的礼物。
- What in the world are they hoping for? 他们到底想要什么?
- I've bought some small gifts for friends and here is a carton I bought on the plane. 我买了一些小礼物给朋友,这里是一盒我在飞机上买的香烟。
- Grace Florist's flowers bouquets &baskets are elegant and beautiful ,which are fashion gifts for friends and relatives . 风林花店的花束、花篮优雅漂亮,是馈赠亲朋好友的时尚礼物。
- Some of these gifts for your friends are dutiable, I'm afraid. 你为朋友买的这些礼物中有一些恐怕要付税。
- The Product is spicy, delicious, fresh, easy to carry and eat, being very appetizing and refreshing, which serves as a good travel companion or a good gift for friends. 携带方便,即开即食,可增强食欲,消除疲劳,振奋精神,是假日休闲、馈赠亲友、出差旅途佐餐的好伴侣。
- Are they appropriate as Christmas gifts. 这适合做圣诞礼物吗?
- Are they gifts? 那些是礼物吗?
- How late are they open for skiing? 滑雪会开放到多晚?
- The mien ao is sold in department stores in European countries and the United States, at a fairly high price.Foreign tourists often buy a mien ao to take back as gifts for friends and relatives. 图2:在欧美的百货公司里,逐渐可看到中国的棉袄,但价钱相当贵,难怪到台湾来的观光客,常喜买些棉袄回去送给亲友。
- What are they trying to drive us back for? 他们为什么要迫使我们后退呢?
- The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen. 大使携礼物觐见女王。
- Are they talking in Spanish or Portuguese? 他们说的是西班牙语还是葡萄牙语?
- An easy to drink wine.Aged only in tanks (no barrels), it is a very fruity wine.Beautiful red rubis colour.Red mature fruit nose.Well balanced, fruity mouth.To offer as a gift for friends. 特 色: 此款酒是一款利口酒,在不锈钢罐内发酵(没有经过橡木桶),有很浓郁的水果味,漂亮的宝石红色,红色浆果的气味,酒体平衡,适合做为礼物送给朋友。